Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Dream 7: Test Flight


     This dream originally had a ton of detailed parts, but the only one I really remember is the one I'm going to write down. This part starts out in some house (I'm really not sure whose. I originally thought that it was in our living room, but, now that I think about it, it really wasn't). The room is kind of open aired, like a veranda, and it's kind of surrounded by all this garden like foliage. Flowers too I think, but the lighting is kind of gray and gloomy, like one of those days where there's a lot of clouds but hardly any rain. The veranda is made of wood, what kind I don't know. It was strong, but not regal; rich, but plain, and it was either the color of light oak or more tanish like plywood. I really don't remember. The veranda had a roof too, so that, plus all the surrounding foliage, gave it a kind of private feeling.
     The inside of the veranda is the size of most living rooms, and it's kind of furnished like one too. It had at least one couch in it, maybe two, and enough chairs for everyone to have a seat around the table that was smack dab in the middle. It's made out of a lighter kind of wood than the veranda. I get the impression that it once contained some lighter kind of wood than the veranda. I get the impression that it once contained some light varieties of food, but the people sitting around it have just finished eating. The people are me and my family. I can't remember if my own family was there, I don't remember seeing them, but my Uncle Paul and Uncle Tim's families were there, and so was Grammy! I'm sitting on one of the sofas, while everyone else is sitting in chairs.
     I'm not sure who brings it up, but they tell me that there's this high powered jet that's soon going to be put through a test flight. It's designed to hold at least four or five people, and it's purpose is to fly up and navigate through the highest atmosphere of the planet. Then they ask me to be the one to test fly it! My first response is something like, "Um, when you say 'jet' do you mean the one's with sharp noes and very loud jet engines?" when they confirm it, I'm anything but thrilled, but I agree to anyway because they asked, and it sounds important.
     The next part takes place at the air port where the test is going to take place. Me, mom, dad, Dayna, and some other people I don't really know, are on our way to the place where we'll be competing to see who will be on the test flight, even though I volunteered, I still need to be 'okayed' by the people who are in charge of the project. Dayna's trying out too. I don't really remember the tests, but one of them was like this big, escalator wall, or ramp. It's slanted quite a bit, and we're told to run up it as fast as we can; the surface of the ramp is acting like a big escalator and is moving down, while we have to climb up. At the signal, we rush up it, and, after a little scrambling, I make it to the top first. The next test I really don't remember. It took place near one of those moving conveyor belts in the baggage claim, only there wasn't any conveyor belt. There were these two foot poles with red beacons on the tops that were stuck to the front of the  conveyor-less...whatever you call them. Each pole had it's own number, and they were separated by at least three feet. What we had to do was sit under one of the numbers while of the guys in charge of the project questioned or talked to us about some things. I really don't remember much about that test.
     There might have been more, but that's all I really remember. In the end, I am nominated for the test flight, along with three other people. Dayna doesn't get to go, and she's a little sad about that, but I think  she gets better about it. I and the others then troop into the jet. It looks exactly like one of those super powered Army Jets, with sharp, conical noses and break the speed of sound. Except, instead of jet engines, it has this large, square like thing on its back that has jet holes in it, maybe five  in each row, and five holes high. It's from these that it gets most of it's power, even though it has two additional jet engines on it's wings. The inside of the jet is tan colored, and roomy enough, with bench like seats in the walls for passengers to sit on. The other people coming with me take those, while I get in the pilot's seat to fly it.  
     I don't remember anything about the take off. The next thing I know we're soaring high above the Earth's blue sky and in hat glowing blue aura that you sometimes see in pictures, which mark the farthest part's of Earth's atmosphere. The test goes very well; I'm able to pilot the jet without many problems, and everything goes along peacefully. Eventually we direct our coarse back for home and I fire up the back twenty jets and we rocket back towards the surface.
     The next part is a little bit muddled, because I get the impression that me in the dream has been...well, dreaming herself, at least as far as from the training to the actual test flight. But, now I, in the dream, am going back to the airport to do the actual training and flight. I have Scrappy with me this time for some reason, dressed in his coat and harness ready to go. I carry him for the most part. Anyway, once we (other people who are trying out for the test) enter the airport, I start recognizing some of the training mechanisms, like the escalator wall, and the conveyor-less...pole numbered...beacon thingy... I get really astonished at this, and, when i tell the guy that all these things were in my dream, he just says something like, "Well, that's an interesting coincidence." Then I say, "I call it prophecy."
     Then at this point, things start getting confusing. I think I pass all my tests, and then these people, who don't want me to go on the test flight, start masquerading as my friends and keep trying to attack me. The person they try to impersonate is a middle aged woman, but what they do is have three different people pose as her at the same time! They definitely look like her, only that the fact they are impersonating her three times kind of backfires because it makes me aware of their plot immediately. It wasn't very smart of them, I might add.
     Things are a little chaotic for a while, but then I'm eventually able to pinpoint the real woman from the impostors because I took note of what the real woman was wearing, and, though all the impostors wore the same thing, they had certain, helpful additions. Like one wore something purple in addition to her outfit, while another wore something red; things like that. With that in mind, I manage to identify the impostors to the authorities, and they are arrested and put away for good. I then pick up Scrappy and leave, probably for the jet, and that's where the dream ended.    

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