Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Dream 8: Carnivorous Plants!


    This dream wasn't the happiest one ever. It had an oppressed, kind of 'fight-back-or-be-destroyed[ feel to it the entire time. I forget how it starts, but it jumps sometimes from our time to Clone Wars time. I guess I might as well start with the Star Wars part.
     It starts out on a rocky kind of ledge, at might, high above a vast city. The ledge holds a small, triangular, one story building. It kind of looks like one of those Naboo ships, with a pointed front, only the back is more rounded and it's obviously a building. There are three Jedi waiting outside the building, under the pointed overhang, one of the Jedi is Kit Fisto, that much I know, and the other two I don't really remember, only that one was a girl, with pink hair and white face that was streaked rose pink like her hair. She is obviously an alien. They're waiting outside this place because it's the hideout of General Grievous, and their waiting to catch him. Only, their not hiding or anything, their just waiting like they would for a bus. They're also trying to figure out if Grievous is already in the fort or not. They  are eventually convinced that he is already in the fort or not. They are eventually convinced that he is, due to the fact that his speeder is on the premises, and they go in. Only, I think the bad guys know that their coming, and planted that speeder there to drive them into a trap, only it's never sprung. It continues on with the Jedi sneaking down hallways and taking out a few guards (sometimes getting into open fights to do so), but I never found out if they found Grievous or not, because that part of the dream stops.
      The next part jumps to our time period, at our house. Only, for some odd reason, our house has kind of an apartment feel to it, even though it's obviously still a house. Things aren't going too well, because I think there's a famine going on in America, or a major foot shortage, like a blight. Because of that, the Government is handing out special seeds to everyone. They say that if they plant them near their houses, the seeds will grow food for them until the crisis passes. A lot of people buy into that, and plant the seeds. Me and my family are only ones who don't do it.
     Eventually, the plants grow, but they are definitely not food plants. They're carnivorous plants! They have two jaws, but they don't look like Venus Flytraps. They're more oval, if  you get my meaning. They don't have any eyes or teeth, they're heads are about the size of a Great Peraniese dog, and their long stalks act more like necks. They grow until their taller than houses, and there are only two to each house. And they have lizard like red tongues. What the plants do is break into the houses they were planted nearby, (either through the windows or the walls) but they don't attack, they just lie down and wait in plain view until someone comes to investigate, and they swallow them whole.
     Even though we didn't want any of the seeds, somehow two plants start attacking our house. One breaks through mom and dad's bathroom window and waits. We of course find out about it right away, and, feeling very fed up, I take a stick (which for some reason we have a whole supply of in this dream) and I use it to stab down on the plant's head, like I would with a sword. It's pretty gross, because the plant's head starts to leak out this icky dark blue plant juice, but it does die... right on the bathroom floor. We have to kill off a few more plants I think, but I'm not entirely sure. Then we all decide to leave home (where to I have no idea) since things are pretty crazy. We're all very sad about that, and it gets even sadder when, even though we can take Scrappy with us, we can't take Carson and Drew. We're packing pretty quickly because we want to leave that very same day, but we delay long enough to find a home for the cats. Missy Ruffin, our hip-hop dance teacher, decides to take them in. Only, for some odd reason, she's living in Grandma's house. In fact, Grandma wasn't anywhere in this dream. So we lure Carson and Drew to the house with cat food, and then leave them there. Kind of mean in my opinion, but that's how it happened.
     By the way, I forgot to mention that, before we left, Dayna and I were in our room, trying to decide which stick to bring as a weapon, just in case we needed to fight. I knew it was probably better to take a smaller one, since they were lighter and easier to swing, but I ended up choosing one that was more of a staff. It was made of smooth, pale goldish wood, and, made out of the same kind of wood, was the snake that twirled around it until it's head was almost at the top. It was definitely heavier than most of the other sticks, and Dayna pointed this out to me. But I just said that I chose it because of it's symbolism, because it reminded me of the bronze snake Moses had put on the pole in the desert, when the people of Israel were being attacked by poisonous snakes. Dayna just shrugged, and maybe after that we hit the road, but I don't know because the dream stopped then. That's pretty much all I remember.

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