Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Dream 10: I Don't Even Know


     This was one of the darkest dreams I ever recall having before in my life, and I have had a few. The beginning is kind of weird, and I have to say that all my research on Helen of Troy for my essay must have helped influence it somewhat. Basically, in this section, I'm Paris and Venus, Athena, and Hera are trying to get me to pick one of them to give the golden apple to, only they don't try to bribe me. More like threaten my life and try to kill me as a group effort in a ridiculous way that wouldn't have killed me in the slightest. They put me in mom and dad's bathroom (in the bathtub actually) turn the water on and make it sound like I'll drown once the water level reaches the top, even though I clearly stand above the rim of the bathtub. It's stupid, I know, unless they meant that the entire bathroom would be flooded and THEN I'd drown, but I high doubt it. Anyway, after the bathtub fills up a little more than halfway, I just leave the bathroom and find the three creeps waiting for me, where they try the 'being nice' tactic. Like that would work now after they just tried to kill me? Yeah right. Anyway I get tired of it after a while and prepare to make my decision. But I never do because the scene changes, and with it the intensity.
      I'm now me, and my family and I are taking a road trip to California,  which strangely only takes three hours. Anyway, one we get there, we spend the night in a flooded hotel. I think it's purposely flooded, making it sort of like a water park. Instead of walking we have to swim across the room. There was some kind of adventure in there that involved horses (I think I became a horse at some point) and something about Bigfoot? I really don't remember much about that place except that the water flowed, like a river, and even dipped in little hills like waterfalls sometimes, but I really don't remember what took place there. It actually wasn't as fun as you might think, at least, there was no sense of happiness or fun in it, and it mustn't have been very important in any case.
      The scene jumps again to a different place. It's sort of a hotel slash airport, very fancy I get the impression. For some reason Frank and Joe Hardy show up briefly and from then on everything takes on a slight, computer game feel, but still very real life. I'm still me in this part. Basically I have a very nice room; it even has its own refrigerator and everything. But installed in the floor is a small metal circle, kind of like a manhole, and the manager tells me that if a power crisis ever takes place in my room, all I have to do is open it and the hotel handymen will be alerted and instruct me in what to do in order to fix it. Well, a power crises DOES take place in my room, causing some lights to flicker and maybe some sparks to fly. The intensity rally starts to pick up at this point.
     Since things are starting to go haywire, I pull open the manhole and find a sort of dial in the similar shape of a compass, which I undoubtedly have to turn. The handyman then starts to direct me, with the use of a speaker I think because he never comes into the room himself. He basically tells me which way to turn the dial and how many times, but it's a very complicated and long process, and I can't make any mistakes or something horrible will happen. Eventually I think I manage to finish the combination and stop the crisis, but, the moment I do an even bigger power crisis strikes and i have to do the whole thing over again, only this time the solution is even worse. The dial is now replaced with the picture of a woman's face, with many small and confusing lines separating certain sections of it, and what I have to do is look at each side of her face and match up the sections that are symmetrical or something like that. It isn't as easy as it should be because the dividing lines make each side completely different. I try to use an instruction manual, but that fails utterly and time starts running out. Finally I try something and it proves to be a mistake and the entire resort blows up, starting with my room.
      The scene then changes again, ad this one is the worst. I'm still me and I'm now in a sort of game arena with a bunch of creepy creatures. They're all drawn in Linden's style of art and are all cats, and other creatures she tends to draw, although there are a few people in it other than me. One of the drawn cats in particular is orange and has glowing red eyes. The whole sense of the place is dark, and those gathered, including me, are sitting on these platforms of different elevations and chuck objects that we somehow get at each other. They aren't dangerous things like knives or anything like that, but the moment they hit someone they kill them. There is some blood involved in this, I get hit and killed several times during this, but I always end up right back in the fight no matter how many times I die. Its also like I'm forced to be there and I can't leave or get out it no matter how much I want to or try.
     Finally, after dying and yes, killing I'm sorry to say, I finally can't take it anymore and jump off my platform. I charge the cat (which has black fur now) and start trying to kill it with a heavy object that I repeatedly keep swing . The cat fights back by swing what looks like my fake white jewel on a chain. Since the weapon I'm using is heavy and I have to keep rising it above my head, the cat manages to strike me under my arm with the jewel and I die again, but this time I don't get transported back to my old in the arena, at least I don't think I do. I really don't remember.
     The scene changes one last time. I'm back with my family, where I'm not entirely sure, either in the kitchen or back in the motel, which has somehow been put back together. Anyway, everyone is happy and having a wonderful time, and everyone, mom especially, keeps on urging me to do something that I can't remember. It was something like join in and have fun, or something like that. This makes me very upset and I literally turn to mom on the verge of tears and blurt out something like, "Mom, I killed fifteen people!: But mom just tosses her head dismissively and says something like, "That doesn't matter!" It's the carefree way she said it that leaves me a little raw even now, but that's as far as I remember the dream going. In many ways it seems to be repeating what I've been going through for days, but as to what it means I have no idea. I'm pretty much resigned to it at this point.

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